Saturday, 22 February 2025


MDK Hospital has been significant roll in horana area to provide fast and accurate laboratory results. Our Laboratory Services perform various medical tests at state-of-the-art laboratories, ensuring results are delivered fast and accurately. Our sophisticated equipment is operated by highly qualified professionals adhering to global hospital laboratory standards.

Samples are Computerized coded throughout the entire process, from collection to the issuing of results. The results are uploaded to our system, enabling medical staff to access them from anywhere in the hospital.

We offer numerous and comprehensive medical tests under the categories of Microbiology, Biochemistry, Haematology, Histopathology, Immunology and Clinical Pathology. These tests may be routine, specialised or highly specialised.

Our laboratory services provide essential support to all medical areas and are a critical component of accurate and early diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Stringent internal and external quality checks on laboratory investigations are performed daily to maintain the standards required to ensure the accuracy of results.

Tests of MDK Laboratory


We Use Following Machines For Get Better & Accurate Test Result. 

O   Cobas E411

Today’s laboratories are challenged with delivering high standards of laboratory services with fewer resources. They face constant ressure to lower operating costs while aspiring to grow their business in new areas. Their concern for patient care is paramount,  and they demand only the best in diagnostic testing and services. Just as every patient requires individualized care, every laboratory is unique. Striking the balance between high standards and efficient operation requires tailor-made solutions. With cobas modular platform, Roche has developed a platform concept that delivers individualized solutions based on a common architecture for various workloads and testing requirements. cobas® 4000 is the second member of the new cobas modular platform. It offers small workload laboratories a complete solution for clinical chemistry and immunochemistry testing.

More Details about Cobas E411

O   Cobas C311

Today’s laboratories are challenged with delivering high standards of laboratory services with fewer resources. They face constant pressure to lower operating costs while aspiring to grow their business in new areas. Their concern for patient care is paramount, and they demand only the best in diagnostic testing and services. Just as every patient requires individualized care, every laboratory is unique. Striking the balance between high standards and efficient operation requires tailor-made solutions. With cobas modular platform, Roche has developed a platform concept that delivers individualized solutions based on a common architecture for various workloads and testing requirements. cobas® 4000 is the second member of the new cobas modular platform. It offers small workload laboratories a complete solution for clinical chemistry and immunochemistry testing.

Common universal reagent carriers

O  Simplifies logistics

O  Efficient use of reagents

Common applications and analytical technologies

O  Comparable patient results

O  Combines routine and innovative testing

Common operator interface

O  Requires less training

O  Promotes staff flexibility

The cobas modular platform is designed to reduce the complexity of laboratory operation and provides efficient and compatible solutions for network cooperation.

More Details about Cobas C311

O   Cobas B121 - Bloodgas

The Roche Blood Gas analyser is designed for use at Point of Care, to produce rapid blood gas results, which may be helpful to healthcare workers in certain clinical situations. This procedure describes when and how to correctly use the analyser in order to minimise risk to both patients and user. Individuals which have not been trained and competence assessed in the use of the Blood Gas analyser are not authorised to use this procedure. This document has not been written as a substitute for the practical training and competence assessment offered via the Trust POCT team.

 Depending upon combination and configuration the Cobas b121 Blood Gas Analyser is used for the determination of the following parameters in whole blood and QC materials: 

O  pH 

O  Blood gas BG (PO2, PCO2) 

O  Electrolyte ISE (Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+) 

O  Haematocrit (Hct) 

O  Metabolite MSS (Glucose and Lactate) 

O  Total haemoglobin (tHb) 

O  Oxygen saturation (SO2) 

O  Haemoglobin derivative COOX (O2Hb, HHb, COHb, MetHb) 

O  Calculated base excess (BE) 

O  Calculated bicarbonate (HCO3-) 

O  Temperature corrected pH, PO2, and PCO2 

 It is also used for the determination of pH in fluid samples (only available on Florence Nightingale ward to minimize risk of cross infection and downtime of the analyzer due to blockages). 

More Details about Cobas B121 - Bloodgas


O   Sysmex XT-1800i

Even with these challenges, the need for hematology testing has remained steady or continued to grow. Laboratories are searching for hematology analyzers that can improve productivity and efficiency while providing enhanced clinical information. Designed to be reliable and efficient, the Sysmex XT-2000i and XT-1800i(XT)  offers  medium volume labs an automated hematology system that can truly meet and exceed their expectations. The XT streamlines your workflow by providing testing for up to 80 samples per hour, enabling rapid turnaround time.

More Details about  XT-1800i 

O   Sysmex CA50

The CA-50 is an automated blood coagulation analyzer that can quickly analyze samples with a high degree of accuracy. The CA-50 can analyze samples using a Coagulation Method; and the analyzed data can be displayed on its LCD screen and printed by the built-in printer. The CA-50 also has some supplemental functions including quality control.

More Details about  Sysmex CA50

O   Bio-rad D-10

Diabetes mellitus is a condition characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from the body’s inability to use blood glucose for energy. In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas no longer makes insulin and therefore, blood glucose cannot enter the cells to be used for energy. In Type 2 diabetes, either the pancreas does not make enough insulin or the body is unable to use insulin correctly.1 The direct and indirect effects of hyperglycemia on the human vascular system are the major source of morbidity and mortality in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. These effects include macrovascular complications (coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial disease, and stroke) and microvascular complications (diabetic nephropathy, neuropathy, and retinopathy).2 Diabetes mellitus affects approximately 7% of the world population.3 

Therapy for diabetes requires the long-term maintenance of a blood glucose level as close as possible to a normal level, minimizing the risk of long-term vascular consequences.4,5 A single fasting blood glucose measurement is an indication of the patient’s immediate past condition (hours), but may not represent the true status of blood glucose regulation.6,7 The measurement of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) every two to three months has been accepted as a measure of glycemic control in the care and treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus.

HbA1c, the glycohemoglobin of interest, is formed in two steps by the nonenzymatic glycation of HbA. The first step is the formation of an unstable aldimine (labile A1c, or pre-A1c), a reversible reaction between the carbonyl group of glucose and the N terminal valine of the β-chain of hemoglobin. Labile A1c formation is directly proportional to the blood glucose concentration. During red blood cell circulation, some of the labile A1c is converted (Amadori rearrangement) to form a stable ketoamine, HbA1c.8 The D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program is based on chromatographic separation of HbA1c on a cation exchange cartridge. Separation is optimized to minimize interferences from hemoglobin variants, labile A1c, and carbamylated hemoglobin. Please refer to Limitations of the Procedure and Performance Characteristics for more information. The D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program also offers automatic sampling from a primary whole blood tube, followed by sample dilution, and an analysis time of three minutes per sample.

More Details About Bio-Rad D10


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